Question : VBScript for file permissions

I am looking for a VB script that will add file permissions to a list of remote folders. I know that I may need to add a line to query a txt file i.e. Set InputFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\List.Txt"). Does anyone have a script out there like this?

Answer : VBScript for file permissions

Why not use cacls with a batch?

Here is the cacls sample:

Here is how you will adapt to your case:

1) Make a batch file (setperm.bat or setperm.cmd, for example) and write your CACLS command like this (note the %1 variable):
        cacls %1 /g administrators:f system:f users:r
        ... you can insert as many cacls as needed

2) Call the above batch from another batch (lets say folders.cmd) with the list of folders:
        setperm c:\files\docs\
        setperm c:\files\images\
        setperm \\server\share\projects\
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