Put simply, What is the cheapest server I can get away with ?
I am looking at a school setup. The computers are all Windows XP. Some are XP Pro, Home, and Media Center. For a while, we were using a MyBook World Drive for shared access to a few files. For some reason, it is becoming less and less reliable. The school never has money to spend, but I am wondering what it would take to get us a tiny server. Is there a cheap one out there.
The requirements are not large by any stretch of the imagination. There are 5 users that need to access 5 different folders, that combined, will hold about 12 different folders. Excel, Word, and Access files. There needs to be password protection for the folders, as not all 5 users, are allowed to access all five folders. User A can access folders 1 and 3, User B can access 1 and 2, User C can access folders 2, 3, and 4, etc.
Thats about all that is really required. At this point, I'd be willing to entertain almost any possible solution to the problem. My first thought is small server, because the WD MyBook drive seems to be rather inconsistent in staying connected to our network. Any and all ideas will be considered. Thanks.