Question : How to connect my laptop to my desktp pc via a wireless internet connection using remote desktop

I wan to connect my laptop pc with my desktop pc via internet using remote desktop . Both are permenatly connected to internet .I am usinh windows xp pro sp2

Answer : How to connect my laptop to my desktp pc via a wireless internet connection using remote desktop

Do you have windows XP pro on your desktop computer?

Remeber XP Home does not support Remote Desktop.

1.) Go to Control Panel --> System  --> Click the Remote Tab --> Click the Checkbox Allow users to remotly connect to this computer.

2.) Log onto your Linksys Router and forward port 3389 to the IP Address of your workstation.  You might want to configure your linksys to always assign that IP Address to that Workstation just incase it changes or static IP your desktop.

3.) Go to Control Panel -- Windows Firewall.  Ensure that under exceptions Remote Desktop is checked.

If your ISP gives you a dynamic external address (External Address Always Changes) You might want to setup an account with and setup a domain like (its free) and have your desktop always update your external ip address to  Otherwise you will always have to check your external IP Address before you leave your house just incase it chaged.

Next go to your laptop and start the Remote Desktop Connection CLinet. Type your external IP Address into the computer box. If you setup a Dyndns account you can type in your domain here ex. and it will connect you to your home computer.
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