Question : Introduction to Networking.....

Hi all,
        I need some tutorials about "Basics of  Networking"..... In fact I want to prepare for an exam which will consist of 4 parts....
 1) Verilog & FPGA's etc.
 2) Programming Skills
 3) Databases
 4) Networking.....

In the first three fields I have quite good knowledge and I feel comfortable but in the last i.e Networking (Which I didnot take as a course during my BE Electrical) I am almost dumb..... My knowledge is limited to the Home networking of my three PC's..... SO now I need to find some good starting material for networking..... I do want to know some basic tutorial which will start from maybe OSI model and then gradually explaining more difficult concepts....

So I want

1) A link to tutorial/s of "Introdunction to Networking" (preferably in PPT or PDF).....  (250 Points)
2) Some link where I can find MCQ's related to different fields of networking. So that after prepairing for a field I can check my knowledge by that MCQ test...... (250 Points)

Imran Arshad

Answer : Introduction to Networking.....

Here is some resources:



Check and let me know your opinion.


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