Question : Remote Desktop Bandwidth Requirement By Resolution/Color Depth
lists the bandwith requirements for 800x600 @ 265 colors as 26.4k and 1024x768 @ 16 bit color as 24.6k.

I'm looking for the value for 1900x1200 @ 24bit.  I've calculated the number of bits per setting:
800x600x16 = 7,680,000bits
1024x768x8 = 6,291,456bits
1900x1200x24 = 54,720,000bits

This puts the requirement for 1900x1200x24 at 7.125 times the 800x600x16 and approx 8.70 times 1024x768x8 or between 188.1k-214k upload to support the user.

Am I calculating these values correctly? If so why is there a difference between the two lower resolutions? I would have expected a linear progression in the bandwidth requirements.

Is there a matrix available for the different resolutions online?  Everyone seems concerned with the lower resolutions. Unfortunately the software I wrote to run on my laptop  is set up to run on the 1900x1200 and a rework of the code isn't cost effective.

Answer : Remote Desktop Bandwidth Requirement By Resolution/Color Depth

Keep in mind that there is other data that must be transferred via remote desktop's RDP protocol, and it's not just a screenshot at regular intervals.  There is a lot of intelligent optimizing and compressing going on in the RDP protocol. So you may be able to view a few simple explorer windows fine on a dial-up connection, but viewing a fullscreen youtube video will take far more bandwidth regardless of your resolution or bitrate.

Microsoft published a whitepaper that gives some specifics here:

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