Question : Remote PC (xp) joins domain - how do I cache domain credentials for user before logging in again?

Ok - I have a workstation at home and I connect via SonicWall netextender with it to our domain without any issues - I have added the workstation to the domain successfully.

Now I need to log into the workstation as a domain user, but the domain is not available until I log in and start up the netextender... how do I cache the domain credentials for the user on the workstation so it works before connecting?  Is there a way?

Otherwise, I am being prompted for domain/username and password for every network resource I access when connected.

Answer : Remote PC (xp) joins domain - how do I cache domain credentials for user before logging in again?

If it didn't do anything then you probably can't use it. This only applies to a standard windows RAS VPN connection. It basically gives you the option of logging into a Network before authenticating. That network can be anything that you set up in your Control Panel -> Network Connections, it could be an ISDN dial-up, a VPN connection or even a wireless network.

When setting up the VPN connection did it give you the option to set it up just for yourself or "For all users"? In this case you should select "For All Users" for the connection to show up on the logon screen.

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