Question : Windows 2000 server removed some items found by spyware detection program,now no dns,dhcp etc

I ran hijack this to try to get rid if some spyware. it kept comming up with several regristry entrys relating to ip settings i let it deleate them and when I rebooted dns, dhcp, Kerberos key distrabution,isa server(says rpc secquence protocal is not supported),net logon(error code 5737) there are a bunch of erroes in th event log. Dont know where to start with that. any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Iam pretty new at this and it shows.

Thanks in advance B.Stout(boardswapper)

Answer : Windows 2000 server removed some items found by spyware detection program,now no dns,dhcp etc

You mentioned that you restored the registry changes to the server.

Before you start this suggestion, I suggest you do a screen capture of your default "Services" settings to refer back to, if needed.

What I suggest is that you change the related "failed" services to "Manual" from the "Services" Management Console. Restart your server, apply the backed up registry changes, reboot your server. Then you start your services one by one.

You can start the services in the following order: Net Logon, DNS, DHCP, ISA Server, Kerboros Key Distribution, etc. Whenever you encounter a service that requires another service, then start the required one first.

If a service hangs or misbehaves &/or you want to reboot, then change those services that startup to "Automatic" before rebooting.

Anyway, this should be the way to troubleshoot any issue. Break it down into parts & start resolving them one at a time.

See if this helps, if not, it's gonna take a while...
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