Question : Exchange 2003 Undifined Error

A long long time ago I installed a server (windows 2003, IIS6, Exchange 2003) with all updates and service packs etc.
Everything was working fine untill one day Exchange Web Access Died, Don't ask me how but it did, it came with a weird
HTTP 1505 or something error.

While trying to fix this error I eventually had to reïnstall Exchange, which i then did. And since then its giving Unspecified Error.
Exchange itself works fine, its just the webaccess part.
In the event viewer when i try to logon to web access i get these messages
Information MSExchangeActiveSync (10302)
Error MSExchangeDSAccess (2050)
Information DAVEX (101)

The relating article of microsoft to the error:;en-us;906907
does not fix my problem!

I do remember moving build-in users and groups that wore listed under Users to Build-In.
But massive moving them back (since i don't know which ones they all wore) does not fix the problem eather. Although I think that it was what fixed the HTTP 1501 what ever error because after reïnstalling, there was an Exchange User in there.

Any Help please? :)

Answer : Exchange 2003 Undifined Error

You would have received a quicker response in the Exchange Server topic area.

The event ID numbers on their own are pretty useless.
Really need the full text of the event ID message.

You could try resetting the Exchange virtual folders.


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