Question : Does Netware 5 use WINS?

And how can I point my netware 5 server to a NT WINS server?

Many thanks for your input.

Answer : Does Netware 5 use WINS?

WINS is Microsoft's attempt to pretend they have IP support.  It essentially allows the NETBIOS names to ride over IP.  Kind of like the old Netware-IP had IPX encapsulated in IP, WINS is essentially a work-around almost like doing NETBIOS encapsulation in IP.

NetWare 5 and up uses "pure" IP, meaning there is no fudging of anything, it uses only true IP standards.

Even Win2K has MS-specific proprietary kludges of IP.  They use a loosely defined standard to their own ends, making their Kerberos implementation incompatible with standards-based Kerberos systems, and their use of DDNS is a bit off the beaten path as well.

So, as PsiCop says, you can't point your NW5 server to a WINS server for name resolution, because NW5 is not Windoze.  Similarly, you can't point a Solaris or Linux server at a WINS server either, since they also tend to comply with standards.  It's not a shortcoming of NetWare, it's a shortcoming of Windows' networking.

You could possibly use DNS, however, to resolve names.  It wouldn't be as nice as bringing your NT into the Netware world via NAM, but if all you need is name resolution, that *should* work.
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