Question : DFS root not replicating as expected

We have something strange in our DFS.
Three servers involved (one Win2003R2, the others normal Win2003) with replication of DFS domain root.

* One of the servers has earlier been removed from being root target, but the share can't be removed because system states it's still used by DFS as below

C:\WINDOWS\system32>net share DFSroot /d
The share must be removed from the Distributed File System before it can be deleted.

* At the same time, the server can't be added as root target because
"The following error occured while creating DFS root on server
Cannot create a file when that file already exists"

Running 'dfsutil/server:e> /view' displays the DFS-root.
It's not listed in
CN=DFSrootName,CN=File Replication Service,CN=system,DC=domain,DC=local
When checking the server object, it doesn't have any 'CN=NTFRS Subscription' container.

* When creating DFS-links, the correct name is replicated to the server that shall not be replicated.
On the other server that shall be DFS root, the newly created DFS-link is created as _NTFRS_<8chars hexcode>

* When deleting the DFS-link, the correct created folder is deleted on the servers it existed on, but now the _NTFRS_-folder is replicated to the server that is expected to replicate. It's not replicated to the server that isn't expected to replicate.

So if server S1+S2 is expected to replicate, the following happens:
Creating DFS-link
* S1: Correct folder
* S2: Folder with NTFRS-name
* S3: Correct folder (same as S1, but not expected to replicate)

Deleting recently created DFS-link
* S1: Correct folder removed, but folder with NTFRS-name is replicated from S2
* S2: folder with NTFRS-name (exists on both S1+S2)
* S3: clean

Answer : DFS root not replicating as expected

Using the following command and restarting DFS service made it possibly to re-add the third server as root target.

dfsutil /clean /server: /share:

Also re-created missing 'NTFRS subscription' for the server by using ADSI Edit, and the replication behave normal again.
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