Question : Baystack 450 Firmware v3.1.0.22
I have a Baystack 450 with a lost password, and I have read that I can add the switch as a slave in a stack and reset the unit to the default configuration to clear the password. The problem that I am having is that the switch with the lost password has a firmware that I don't have. I have saved old versions of the Baystack 450 firmware - v1.0, v2.0, v3.0, v4.0 - but my switch that needs the password reset has software/firmware of v3.1.0.22 (ISVN = 1).
Version 3.0 of the firmware which I have loaded to a test stack is ISVN = 0, and version 4.0 and above of the firmware is ISVN = 2. The stack won't stack without a base unit having firmware that is ISVN = 1. Does anyone out there have v3.1.0 of Baystack 450 firmware (both boot img file and larger img file). Nortel has taken anything lower than v4.1 firmware off the website, and I don't want to pay $300 to get a copy from them, and they won't take my call without a service contract.
Thanks, Brian
Answer : Baystack 450 Firmware v3.1.0.22
I just sent the software to you.