Question : Different scopes created in DHCP
How can I define a scope using the same DHCP server for specific workstations? For example I have the Engineering department that is assigned with 192.168.5.x and then I want to define the Finance department with 192.168.8.x? Is this possible? I was thinking to using MAC addresses or another DHCP server but to use the DHCP server for each department would be a nightmare.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Answer : Different scopes created in DHCP
Aloha G000se.
I wouldn't say it's attainable via dhcp, but dhcp would support your 3 networks. You have to have your network physically structured with 3 separate subnets, as opposed to 3 different ip ranges on the same wire, but dhcp will do that just fine with either of the 4 methods I mentioned:
1) RFC1542 compliant router between the subnets that will happily forward dhcp broadcasts 2) dhcp relay agent on all subnets 3) multiple dhcp servers (pain in the ass, to be honest) 4) multihomed dhcp server with a nic on each subnet
Any one of those will work.
If you want your machines to be separated by ip range but on the same wire, then dhcp won't support it without additional effort/grief. At that point, you gotta wonder why you want multiple ip ranges and see if you can address that need via some other method.
Joel Leo