Question : Wireless network with 3 multipoints

Hello to All,

I am planning to setup wireless network with 3 clients ... 2 external clients plus me, which will be total of three clients ...
I am wondering do I need anything else beside of the equipment listed below and is it correct?

Me ...
I am using ADSL Internet connection and I want to share it with other two clients ...

- Wireless 802.11g ( 108Mbps )AP with integrated DSL router and external antenna to share Internet connection

First client, which is 500m far from me ...
Outdoor external antenna and router ( can I use normal router or wireless AP with integrated router )

Second client, which is 1km far from me...
Outdoor external antenna and router ( can I use normal router or wireless AP with integrated router )

Is there anything that I would need beside of this?
Where I can find outdoor circle/rounded antenna so I can spread my signal across instead of using two antennas since my client are in different direction?
Any sugestion on this one will be apprechiated so I can setup this network as better as is possible!?

Thank you!

Answer : Wireless network with 3 multipoints

Well you'll probably need a router or a machine running ICS to do NAT and possibly DHCP for your bridged networks.  

ADSL modem -> router -> wireless bridge )))))))) wireless bridge -> wired PC
                                             Wired PC

Everything will end up being on the same private subnet that your router assigns addresses to.  This way, someone can add a LAN device on a remote network and you don't have to reconfigure anything (DHCP working).  Since your ISP doesn't give you enough address space to give out a bunch of static IPs to your bridges and hosts, you'll have to use NAT to give them all 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x addresses that the ISP doesn't see.
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