Question : Adding WAP support

Has anyone any experience what could be the nicest way to add WAP support to existing Web application build with servlets and jsps? Web application uses MVC model 2 type pattern. Application should only support html and wml generation so, XML/XSLT type solution is not neccessary. Content genaration can be in they own jsp specific files. I would like to add WAP support so that existing code would be as untouched as possible.
This kind of questions comes to my mind:
- should wml and html pages be handled in different controller servlets?
- Is it realiable to trust http header's information which tells that client is wap device or browser, or is it better to assign e.g. different urls or ports to both client type?
- what are the advantages and disadvantages if I would make two separate war files to both wap and html generation?

Any suggetions and links to documents considering this kind of issue is appreciated.


Answer : Adding WAP support

I have an app which has a web interface. I added a WAP interface.

1. On entry to the top level (by my customers the domain name) I looked for an Accept header which told me wml was accepted and routed to my WML "directory". HTML and WAP are different.

2. I found that I had to make MAJOR changes to accomodate the small screen size :-

    User enters search terms, HTML page returns 30 of x hits (with next and previous, first and last), each line is a link to the FULL information display. User clicks link and gets full display.

    On WAP, I display "x hits found" and display the first entry in full. The screen size is soooo small I could only get a couple of "short" forms to make reasonable links.

   My HTML pages are full of "useless" but "nice to look at" information. In WAP its minialist.

3. I found that cookies were not accepted everywhere (unlike Amex :) )

   To track user after login I send a session ID (which is a ramdomly generated "funny" number) as a cookie. I didn't always get it back. So I have to carry the ID as an extra postfield or as an extra parameter in the URL in *ALL* links which I make. I do this with smart tags but its still a pain. Mind you, if I updated my HTML I'd have a solution when people turn cookies off.

4. I'd advise against an extra port or a non-top level URL. It's a pain hacking this into your phone. A which serves up HTML and WAP is easier for the customers to handle.

5. "....documents considering this kind of issue is appreciated"

I started off with "Dynamic WAP Application Development"  by Foo,Hover and Lee from Manning Press. That told me the basics, but the rest was just experience. I also learnt not to overload the phone's buttons, because the users just can't hack it. In the end I went for the simplest presentation possible - which probably has resulted in an excessive use of anchor tags :)

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