Please check first wheter samba is now running by issuing 'lssrc -ls inetd" and looking for "Status active" of the two "netbios-..." services.
If you don't find them, please issue 'refresh -s inetd' and check again.
If they're running now, start configuring Samba.
Tip -
Samba's configuration is stored in the smb.conf file, which usually resides in /etc/samba/smb.conf or /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf. You can either edit this file yourself or do it using one of the many graphical tools that are available, such as the Web-based interface SWAT, that is included with Samba.
A very minimal smb.conf might look like this -
workgroup = WKG
netbios name = MYNAME
path = /tmp
path = /my_shared_folder
comment = Some random files
Please note that of course you must customize this sample according to your environment, particularly "path="
The above is all from here - "The Official Samba HOWTO and Reference Guide"
Please try to read and understand the important parts of it, because it should go without saying that I will not be able to do the whole thing for you from here.