Question : Ghost imaging speed difference between mulicast to unicast?

Im using PE 2.0 from client end to launch Ghost 32.  I have gigabit managed switch with IGMP snooping enabled (Linksys SRW2024).  Both client units and Ghost server has gigabit NIC.  When I image 2 units by multicast (default from Ghost server if imaging 2 or more), my speed is 600MB/Min.  But when I image 2 units by unicast, my speed is 2,000MB/Min (same as imaging single unit).  Im curious why such dramatic speed difference?

Answer : Ghost imaging speed difference between mulicast to unicast?

The point of the article was that while you increasing the number of imaged systems the multicast speed remains the same while unicast speed will be decreasing proportionally to the number of systems.
However, I think you might increase the speed of multicast if using the driver particuler to your NIC. Symantec UNDI driver might work slower while multicast.
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