Question : Setting up multiple wireless routers close t each other at a property...

I'll first explain the environment:
The property I work at has 52 guest rooms in a villa type setting. Kind of like 26 condos spread out across a property. Each building has two adjacent rooms.

A few months back, to delay the high cost of recabling the property for connectivity, each guest room was fitted with its own seperate cable modem. So each room has its own separate 2.5MB cable connection. I then purchased a Netgear WGR614 Wireless-G router for each room. Here are where the questions come:

For the two rooms that are adjacent, does each wireless router need to be on a separate channel to avoid interference? They all have the same SSID and no security (the only people in the vicinity of this excluded property are guests).

Second question, I have some very important guests coming tomorrow that will be using VPN's. If two people are both using a VPN while connected to the same router, that shouldn't be an issue right? I mean the connection is a decent 2.5MB connection that could beshared between two people and the routers have "VPN pass-through"...

Anyways, I am just asking for a peace of mind. Some of the routers that are close together are on the same channel, but I will change the channel if need be before this group arrives. I also want to make sure their VPN's will work fine when more than one of them may be connected to the same router....

Thank you for any feedback/suggestions/etc.

Answer : Setting up multiple wireless routers close t each other at a property...

Re-reading the question I now understand that each room has its own cable modem. I assume you have a seperate internet connection from the ISP for each of these modems?

- I now believe you will have problems as your clients may be switching from one wireless AP to the other. This will be a problem if each of the cable modems has a seperate ISP connection. The next-door cable modem will think a second laptop in the same room is being connected and will set up a new connection. The connections that were established in the other room will be disconnected.

- Solution:
assign a unique SSID to each of the rooms

The vpn problem will not exist as long a a single connection from each room is established. Make sure that every guest uses it's own SSID. This can be forced by giving a unique passphrase to each of the SSIDs

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