Question : Wireless limited connectivity until wired network connected
Windows XP Pro (fully patched). Linksys WRVS4400N Dell Laptop using built in 54g wireless
I have a wireless/wired network on a WRVS4400N (latest firmware). I am using IP assignment via DHCP on the router (as I need the laptop causing problems to have a fixed IP on this network but dynamic IP when used outside). Every 1 -2 days, when I switch on the laptop (can be from hibernate or cold start) it will not connect to the wireless network (good signal strength but limited connectivity with no IP assignment). This does not respond to a release/renew.
Tried changing the client lease time to 1day and to 3600 mins without benefit.
If I then connect to a wired connection long enough for the wired connection to get an IP (the assignment for this MAC is different to the one for the wireless) and immediately the wireless connection reaquires its IP address successfully.
Any ideas (it is a pain having to move to the wired area every other day).
Answer : Wireless limited connectivity until wired network connected
I have now solved this. It turns out that there is a bug in the 1.1.3 firmware of this router that means that it does not renew leases properly when requested via wireless.
Now upgraded to their beta (unusually fast and effective response from Linksys - done wiithin hours of me confirming that it was a lease renewal issue) and all is well.
Thanks for your assistance.