Question : X-Win32 troubles

Here's the situation.  I've installed X-Win32 on a Windows XP Pro computer.  It is connected to the internet through first a hub, then a cable modem.
The goal is to connect to a Unix server.  So, I did the following configuration on X-Win32
/usr/bin/X11/xterm -ls -n larkspur/$USER -display $DISPLAY &

Display is set to the IP address of the computer, display 0.  In fact, every setting is default except that I turned off the splash screen.

When I try to connect, I get the following error:
Error: Can't open display: (it doesn't actually display the xxx's, I'm just doing that to protect the computer - you probably knew that, but just in case)

So, I figured I could remote login with telnet, and just have X-Win32 running in the background.  So, I connected to larkspur through telnet, but when I use an xterm command such as xemacs, nothing happens - for some reason, X-Win32 isn't picking up the signal and opening up a window.

The Windows firewall is disabled.  ZoneAlarm has been configured to let X-Win32 both connect and host, and telnet to connect (I tried allowing it to host, and it didn't make a difference).  I checked for viruses just in case with Norton, and it's clean.

I have done this exact configuration on multiple other computers, but for some reason it won't work on this one.

Anybody have any ideas?  I've been bashing my head against this one for about three hours now and I'm drawing a blank.

Thanks a lot!

Answer : X-Win32 troubles

Hello drrobert:

You can try two things. First you can try and run the command xhost +
When you login to the Unix server. After that setenv DISPLAY "$REMOTEHOST":0.0. If
that doesn't work then it means your cable modem is giving you an internal ip number
usually something like 192.168.x.x; if that is the case then you're probably better using
ssh(if the unix server supports it) which is more secure and has support for tunneling the X protocol. A program I recommend for ssh is putty which you can download from

If you decide to download putty be sure to check the option
Connection->SSH-Tunnels->enable X11 forwarding.

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