Question : LANalyzer for Win/95

I have lanalyzer v2.2 running on my 3.x machine monitoring my 3.12 network.  However, I need to move the capability to my windows/95 machine.  This is what I receive when I enter lanalyzer, "VCAFT.386 is not loaded.  The windows system.ini file must contain this file.  Also ensure that is loaded before running windows".
This covers what I do have in system.ini:
This covers what I have in my autoexec.bat
I'm very frustrated at to why LANalyzer isn't working on my windows/95 machine.  Please help!
[email protected]

Answer : LANalyzer for Win/95

Lanalyzer v2.2 will run with Win95, but you MUST be running Client32.  Also, you will probably need to reinstall Lanalyzer underneath Win95 if you haven't done it already.  It won't work under win95 with VLM's.  Don't ask me why.  The and the other items that you referenced are not needed with the win95 version.  I ran into the same problem with version 2.1, and had to upgrade to to the version that you have.  I think that if you install Client32 and reinstall Lanalyger after removing all of the drivers from autoexec.bat and system.ini you will be fine.  Let me know if that doesn't fix it and I'll revisit the issue on one of my stations at work and get you another answer.
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