Question : Web Based SSL VPN + Outlook Web Access

We are purchasing a RVL200 linksys ssl vpn router, this allows user to connect to the vpn through a web browser, however this function works off port 443.

we currently have a our firewall forwarding port 443 to the server for outlook web access, and also for exchange compadable phones (eg iphone),

how can we implement a web based ssl vpn and still have port forwarding for 443.

Answer : Web Based SSL VPN + Outlook Web Access

There is a quotation from sonicwall:
Additionally, granular access controls enable the network administrator to provide not only employees, but also trusted partners and customers with remote access to specific and defined resources. Features include:
Files and file systems (includes support for FTP and Windows Network File Sharing)
Web-based applications
Microsoft Outlook Web access and other Web-enabled applications
HTTP and HTTPS intranets

Same things on cisco site and others.

Or, you can change SSL port forwarding to other, not 443 port.
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