Question : Setting up a Cisco lan-to-lan bridge

Fishing for ideas.

I'm wanting to set up a remote site on VPN. The remote office would have a small pix, like a 501, which would connect via lan-to-lan to a Cisco VPN concentrator (3000 series) at the other end. Now for the tricky part.

For various reasons I won't go into because they are not relevant, I want the remote office to be on the same /24 subnet as our production network. This remote office would contain only two servers, the pix, and a dsl router. Seems like it should be doable, but I haven't found a ready source of info on how to go about it. Part of the problem is that I keep postponing my PIX training!

Anyway, the remote office would have a 6mbps dsl line, static ip. The main site has a T1 going out.

So, the actual question: Is it possible, using the Cisco equipment noted above, to set up a lan-to-lan vpn connection as a trasparent bridge?

By the way, we do also have a pix 515 at the main site that is NOT currently being used for VPN.

Answer : Setting up a Cisco lan-to-lan bridge

No, it is not possible to bridge two Networks with VPN Site-To-Site. You only solution would be to get a direct line between the two sites, you can not do it with VPN.
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