Question : Force Authentication to gain internet access

I am trying to force authentication via ISA 2006 enterprise.  The problem: this is a single NIC configuration, domain users are fine, the wpad works good.  We have a sonicwall 3060 enhanced firewall, this does out NAT.    Do I need to allow only ISA users to the internet?  Is this a gateway redirection? If so how and what do I need to do?  I am at a standstill and any and all help would so be helpful!

Answer : Force Authentication to gain internet access

sorry - been a little busy with my own stuff.

I cannot believe Sonicwall did not grasp the concept.
When the users access a proxy through ISA, the traffic leaves for the firewall but with ISA's address as the source.

By telling the Sonicwall that it can only accept outbound http/https etc from the ISA's ip address you immediately stop ANYONE getting out to the Internet over http/https UNLESS they have gone through the ISA server. Because you have set 'authenticated users', only users who have authenticated (logged on) can use the ISA Server.

Forcing the issue through wpad/dhcp 252 etc helps the situation also of course.

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