Question : do i need to restart the app server after the java heap fragmentation occurs caused by large java object request

do i need to restart the app server after the java heap fragmentation occurs caused by large java object request which the app server could not handle
the exception is as follows :
Java heap fragmentation 33,685,520 bytes requested with 415,335,328 bytes available [Mon Sep 21 12:25:04 2009]

Answer : do i need to restart the app server after the java heap fragmentation occurs caused by large java object request

Did you try looking at the HeapAnalyzer (mentioned above in http:#a25388884)?
It is really good at helping you understand exactly what kind of objects are taking up lots of space on the heap.

Is it a particular kind of use of your application?
Might there be a way to refactor the application to reduce the object size?
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