Question : Windows 2k Server DHCP service becomes disabled randomly

Here's the scenerio:

Windows 2k server, SP3, clean install
Running DHCP, all functions working great except that:

The DHCP service randomly becomes set to "Disabled". The service doesn't stop, just gets disabled so the next time the server is rebooted it's not going to start. I set it back to Automatic and within 2-24 hours it will be back at "Disabled".The only time I've seen this happen before was if there was another DHCP server on the network, but I can't imagine that is the case here because if I shut down the DHCP service, clients do not pick up addresses from another source.

The event logs say nothing at all about DHCP other than the typical "DHCP has cleaned up the database..."

I've also tried removing DHCP from this box and setting it up on another box (Running SBS 2k), and had the exact same problems. Every aspect of this network are working well, DNS, Active Dir, etc.

Need to get this resolved!! Let me know if you have any ideas! Thanks...

Answer : Windows 2k Server DHCP service becomes disabled randomly

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