Question : Advice on setting up a WLAN with Multiple Access points, MINIMAL packet loss

I'm going to be deploying several wireless networks, and just got done doing one with a linksys router --> to a 16 port switch --> to 7 access points, there are about 40-45 workstations covering 3 floors of a sorority house in this network and they are experiencing some packet loss/drops (i.e they say their AIM and things are cutting out and things), so what I'm looking for is a more "reliable" deployment and I was wondering if anyone had any good suggestions to this, I've looked at Cisco's AVVID WLAN as one, but we have used Tsunami's Bridge for some point-to-point and like it awful well...thanks in advance

Answer : Advice on setting up a WLAN with Multiple Access points, MINIMAL packet loss

What you're looking for is durability and management. Using carrie grade equipment won't free you from doint a proper site survey though. Check out these manufacturers:
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