Question : ConsoleOne remote view/control

When remote viewing students at the college I work for, the background color of the wallpaper changed. We have managed to stop this, but it seems as if there is another way that they can tell we are remote viewing them.

We have a few 'problem' students who, in the past, have been caught doing things they shouldn't, and when we remote view them, within a second they have locked their workstation, or more annoyingly open up a notepad doc and type misc stuff like 'hello mr admin, I know your watching me...' - which gives it away slightly that they do know...

Are there any other settings that can be changed so that they have no idea?

Answer : ConsoleOne remote view/control

There are options where you told the system to nuke the background wallpaper to display a message on the screen they are being monitored and to give an audible warning as well.  I think it's the Remote Control policy under the Workstation Policy package or the User Policy package - I am not at my workstation today (sick child at home) so I can't exactly remember, but that is where they are getting a popup on their screens that you are remoting in.  Simply uncheck the options to give a visual and/or audible warning (the other options include to prompt for permission for remote control, remote view, file transfer, remote application launch).  Geez, you aren't PROMPTING them for permission, are you?

Next, for these settings to take affect, the workstations MUST be REBOOTED.  Then they will re-read the policy and the users will no longer have any indication they are being remote-managed.

As for your ZEN version, if you are using C1 to control them, it's ZEN3.x or above.  If you are using NWADMIN then it's ZEN2.x or below.

I belive if you have ZEN4.x you can LOCK their keyboards and mice when you remote control them so they can't lock you out - but not when you are remote viewing.
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