Question : Best internet connection to host a web server.


I was asked what is the best (but cost effective) internet connection to host a web server. Web server host Joomla based website which contain lot of text based information and also couple of forms. One local provider suggest T1 connection with 1.5mb/s up and down. Another provider suggest cable service that give 10MB/s down and 2MB/s up. But my question is what is the best connection for this web server ? There are about 500 hits per day on this website.

Thank you

Answer : Best internet connection to host a web server.

The question comes down to uptime needed.  If this needs guaranteed connectivity, a (true) T1 offers this.  Most cable connections don't have the same uptime guarantee.  I agree that the likelyhood of 500 hits to a text rich site us unlikely to saturate either. But at the same time, 500 hits tells me that it might be even better to just let someone else host the site since you'll get better uptime guarantees than you'll likely be able to offer yourself.
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