Question : Strange error on AwStats
My proveder cant help me with this error, does anyone knows what is wronge?
Warning: Can't find language files for "nl". English will be used. Warning: Can't read file "status_http.pm" (status http detection will not work correctly). Check if file is in "./lib" directory and is readable. Warning: Can't read file "search_engines.pm" (search engines detection will not work correctly). Check if file is in "./lib" directory and is readable. Warning: Can't read file "domains.pm" (domains detection will not work correctly). Check if file is in "./lib" directory and is readable. Warning: Can't read file "operating_systems.pm" (operating systems detection will not work correctly). Check if file is in "./lib" directory and is readable. Warning: Can't read file "robots.pm" (robots detection will not work correctly). Check if file is in "./lib" directory and is readable. Warning: Can't read file "browsers.pm" (browsers detection will not work correctly). Check if file is in "./lib" directory and is readable. Warning: Can't read file "mime.pm" (mime detection will not work correctly). Check if file is in "./lib" directory and is readable.
Thanks! WvR
Answer : Strange error on AwStats
we had the same error and uploaded the new version of awstats and it fixed it for up. make sure to upload the lang forlder.