Question : menu for novell

I'm looking for a menu for windows95 to start the network applications. Something like dougmenu.
Or is there a way to point different groups to different Startmenu folders with policiy editor, so that you retrieve your startmenu from more then one folder, depending on wich groups you belong to?

Answer : menu for novell

We have implimented the following with great success.  Here's what to do:
1. Create a batch file in the search path that makes any settings needed etc., and runs the app (either with or without START).
2. Create a directory on the SYS volume called "Network Applications".
3. From there, create a shortcut to the batch file.  
NOTE: I use a long file name for the batch file, but when the shortcut is created, I have to copy the original command line, and then paste it into the actual shortcut because Win95 wants to use the short file name.  Do NOT use the short file name - it's unreliable.
4. Grant R F rights to the shortcut to EVERYONE.
5. If you have a group of people that need access to one or more apps, create a folder - like "Tax Applications", put all the tax apps in that folder, and grant R F rights to that folder to the TAX group.
6. Create a batch file (like NetMenu) that:
Only the shortcuts and/or directories the user has rights to will get copied down.
7. Put the NetMenu batch file in the system login script, or better yet, in the System Policy in RunOnce policy.

The reason to point to a batch file is to avoid having a problem with UNC's.  When you create a shortcut to an executable, the programs UNC gets copied with the shortcut. BUT, if you try to copy that shortcut to another home server, the shortcut will still look to the original server for the application.  In many cases, this may not be a problem, but in our setup, we have 8 home servers with the same apps, and we would have to create a new shortcut for every server. (NOTE: I have found SHORTCUT.EXE on the CD Rom which is supposed to be able to make a shortcut "stupid" and not look for the original server to be unreliable.)
Also, the batch files have proved to be a great way to manage the  other aspects of the apps - server attachments, INI files, REG files, etc.
We have a Win95 "replicator" that has the "master" shortcuts and batch files, and every night at Midnight, the shortcuts and batch files are copied to all the home servers.
The reason for using the full long file name to the batch file is because lets say you have a shortcut to "Turbo Tax", and you create a batch file called "Turbo Tax.bat", and point to it.  There's no way to guarentee what the short file name will be - it could (and should) be "TURBOTA.BAT", but could also be TURBOT0.BAT, etc (no ~1's on Netware Servers).
Another thing, create an icon "Turbo Tax.ico", and put it in the same directory with the batch file.  When you create the shortcut, Win95 will automatically pick up the icon.
p.s. Using MAP INS S16:=.... doesn't work - you'll have to save the path, and reset it using both SET and WINSET.EXE (also on the CD ROM), and then unset it - which is where START /wait comes in handy.  Sure, you have 2 icons on the task bar, but life's rough!

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