Question : Page is being saved as a Document

OK, here's a strange one!  I have a Page that is sometimes saved as a Document!

Sometimes, while the database is being closed, I will receive the following prompt from the Notes Client: "Do you want to save this page?".  This is the exact same text used in the Domino Designer Client when you attempt to close a page without saving it first.  I know that the message is coming from the Notes Client and not my database code because (1) I would remember coding the message and (2) I've searched the database design using TeamStudio's Configurator.  In the prompt window, if I click No or Cancel, no document is created, but if I click Yes, a document is created in the database.  The document contains these fields:

      $UpdatedBy: contains my username.
      Form: "MainMenu"
      OriginalModTime: contains a valid date/time.

The Page is called "MainMenu" and is displayed in a frame using the settings Type="Named Element", "Page", and Value="MainMenu" (in other words, I'm not using a computed notes url to load the frame, nor is it using computed values; it is set explicitly using the properties fields).

- There is no form named "MainMenu" in the database design.
- A search for "MainMenu" with Configurator returns only the Page design element.
- I'm the only developer, so I know it's not a form that is hidden to me.
- I've compacted my workspace.
- I've also deleted my cache file.
- I've used pages in frames like this since R5 and have never had any problems.  We are currently using R6.5.4.

Has anyone else ever seen anything like this?

Answer : Page is being saved as a Document

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