Question : error in code
Can please anyone tell me what's wrong with this code?
Basically this piece of code is trying to insert a new row in a table but before it can insert it should perform a check on primary keys(& raise the appropriate exception)in order to prevent user from entering duplicate key.
It also has to call another method from another table to check if the expenditure attribute which should nothave exceeded 300000.
create or replace type body Wet_Ride_objtyp as MEMBER PROCEDURE Insert_Wet_Ride( p_attraction_id NUMBER, p_Attraction_Name VARCHAR2, p_cost NUMBER, p_year_open number, p_height VARCHAR2, p_capacity NUMBER, p_Category varchar2 , p_name varchar2, p_year number, p_wetfactor number, p_durations varchar2) is v_expenditure number; Too_expensive exception; budget_limit_reached exception; e_invalid_year exception;
updateExpenditure() -- method from another table See code for this methods below
if p_current_expenditure >= 300000 then raise budget_limit_reached; -- after executing the methods above if expenditure exceeds 300000 then raise error
else select current_expenditure into v_expenditure from Budget_objtab where year = p_year; end if;
IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN Raise e_invalid_year; else
SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_count FROM Attraction_objtab; FOR i IN 1..v_count LOOP if attraction_id = p_attraction_id then raise Dup_on_val_index; -----------retrieve all existing record and check for duplicate key else if p_cost >=100000 then raise Too_expensive; else insert into Attraction_objtab values (p_attraction_id, p_Attraction_Name, p_cost, p_dateopen, p_height, p_capacity, p_Category, p_name, p_year, p_wetfactor, p_durations); end if; If v_expenditure + p_cost >=300000 then raise budget_limit_reached; end if; end if; end loop; rollback;
Exception when e_invalid_year then DBMS_output.Put_line('please enter a valid year'); When Too_expensive then DBMS_output.put_line(''); When budget_limit_reached then DBMS_output.Put_line('Cannot afford Attraction, budget limit reached'); When Dup_val_on_index then DBMS_output.Put_line('Cannot afford Attraction, budget limit'); When others then DBMS_output.Put_line('Cannot afford Attraction, budget limit '); end Insert_Wet_Ride; end; / show errors
LINE/COL ERROR 24/12 PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "NUMBER" when expecting one of the following: . ( ) , * @ % & | = - + < / > at in is mod not range rem => .. <> or != or ~= >= <= <> an d or like as between from using || 25/1 PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ")" when expecting one of the following: , from into bulk
The method called above belongs to this object
create or replace type body Budget_objtyp as member function UpdateExpenditure( p_Year number, p_value number, p_current_expenditure number )return number ---------------------------------------method used above is v_value number; v_current_expenditure number; begin SELECT Value, current_expenditure INTO v_value, v_current_expenditure FROM budget_objtab WHERE year = p_year; v_value:=p_value; v_current_expenditure:=p_current_expenditure; return (p_value - p_current_expenditure); end UpdateExpenditure;
member function CalcRemaining( p_Year number, p_value number, p_current_expenditure number) return number is v_value number; v_current_expenditure number; begin SELECT Value, current_expenditure INTO v_value, v_current_expenditure FROM budget_objtab WHERE year = p_year; v_value:=p_value; v_current_expenditure:=p_current_expenditure; return (p_value - p_current_expenditure); end CalcRemaining; end; / show errors
can anyone please tell me what's wrong with the code. Thanks
Answer : error in code
..."before it can insert it should perform a check on primary keys(& raise the appropriate exception)in order to prevent user from entering duplicate key. " Do you have a Primary Key in place? If you don't, do it and you don't need to check it yourself. The database will handle this for you.
create or replace type wetride_ot as object (name varchar2(25) ,cost number ) / create table t of wetride_ot / alter table t add constraint wrpk primary key (name) / insert into t values (wetride_ot ('Scary',10) ) / / insert into t * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00001: unique constraint (SA.WRPK) violated