Question : how can make load balance for one web site with two ISP

I have one web site and I hosted in our company and I have plan to bring two ISP to publish it on the net, now the server have one public IP and privet IP and the public IP is made  is ad DNS record on ISP , the issue is if that ISP that connect to our website is down no body can access our website I need and solution or device when put two different link from two ISP and when one is down the second one will come up and the web site should be available with two ISP.

Answer : how can make load balance for one web site with two ISP


This is, for as far as i can see, practically impossible because you will always have one authoritive DNS server for your specific domain.. You cannot ask a different ISP to admin your domain.. The only thing you can do is have for example hosted with 1 providerpoiting to you and then create a second site which is and let it point to

Also, if you have a good ISP they will have multiple DNS servers, ask them if your not sure. They will always have some sort of recovery model (or disaster recovery) for this kind of issues.. If their DNS servers fails they will ahve a small issue :) :)
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