Question : Can't browse SBS 2000 Server in network

I have a SBS 2000 SP4 with ISA, Exchange, SQL installed.  The server crashed and after reboot, I can't find it in the network.  From the workstation, you could still login, receive e-mails, ping it and VNC the server.  The workstation can't see the SBS in the network browser nor get into it's mapped drives.

Before it crashed, I'd installed additional NICs (Compaq NC3121) on the Compaq ML320 Server to combine them with the exisitng NIC using Compaq's Network Team  configurator.  I had reverted back to the original settings again after the crash.

Other details (may not be revelant) are the IIS is not working after the crash.  I had to reinstall the IIS and Exchange again too.

Any suggestions on how to overcome this?  It's been 48 hours without sleep now... :(

Answer : Can't browse SBS 2000 Server in network


Reregister DC SRV records in DNS.

Stop NetLogon service

1. Open DNS Console
2. Delete Active Directory Integrated Zone.
3. close and reopen DNS
4. Recreate Zone.
5. Start Net Logon service.

and then try to check DC using NSlookup command.

using Nslookup to check DC SRV :-

For further reading :-

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