Question : Long delay in getting desktop after I login

I am not a perfect network admin. but in our org. we have installed following

Current configration:
Server: Windows-2003 (Used as file server mainly to store word/excel files in respective department like marketing, accounts, sales etc..
with domain controler/ group and user policy set)

Clients : Windows-2000 (SP2)

Problem on Client Machine :
After entering user name and password (login on domain), the machine takes aprox. 5 to 10 min. to long on to server, but if i remove the network cable after entering login information, the user gets desktop quickly.

I am not sure how to present this question, so you may freely ask what u need to know.

Answer : Long delay in getting desktop after I login

reku631 , back from vacation......
>>"I think DNS server and its pointers are the causing problem, and they are not properly configured,"
Do the workstations only point to your DNS server? If the ISP is listed even as a secondary you can have the long log-on delays.

Perhaps try running Microsoft's  NetDiag  utility on one of the problematic workstations and see if it will locate any configuration or DNS problems. It is available as part of the Resource Kit, many Windows install CD's or from:
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