Question : Exchange 5.5 empty distribution list problem...
We have an Exhcnage 5.5 server with an email distribution list setup. The list had an SMPT address assigned to it and clients would send mail to this address from external locations and exchange would send this mail to the distibution list members like it should.
The problem is someone (for reasons I won't go into) removed all the recipients from the distribution list and we ended up with a distibution list with a valid smtp address but no internal recipients. Clients sent emails to this address which our exchange server merrily accepted without a problem but no-one recieved them!! I've now restored the list members but I want to know if there is any way I can retrieve the lost emails from the time it had no recipients. Are they lost forever? I have virtually no exchange experience so don't really know where to look.
Answer : Exchange 5.5 empty distribution list problem...
No. A list with no members is a black hole.
Those messages are gone.
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