Question : Run program remotly using a unix script

  I need to write a script that will run a program on a remote unix machine.  I need to telnet into a remote unix server from another unix server.  I am not sure how to run a programing remotly.  Can anyone give me a hand?


Answer : Run program remotly using a unix script

its very simple.
all you need to do in the script is to use the telnet command . maybe you can use telnet as root to te other system in the script and then run  the command you like.
it will look like this...
telnet host_ip
coomand_to_run _on -remote.machine (results shown in telnet window and executed remotely)
#and you are back on your own machine
and of course,you can schedule the scirpt running time....

tip: you may like to use a good telnet client as well, try securecrt ( . it has some scripting capabilities.
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