Question : GSM Modem - HomeSeer Interaction

I'm doing a University project that entails sending/receiving SMS to a GSM modem on my PC. My Home Automation (HomeSeer) software must interact with the commands received. Does anyone have any scripts for HomeSeer to do this by any chance?
What's the best way of communicating with SMS commands with VB Script?
Will my GSM modem be able to send MMS?

Answer : GSM Modem - HomeSeer Interaction

You have to use SMS in PDU mode, but sorry I do not know how to add the SMS´s together, because most of my customers are developing telemetery or telematic application. Entertaiment does not have the highest priority. Http:// is my personal homepage and helps me to give a better support to my customers, but you can not believe how many sources and data I have collected on vehicle tracking, GIS, digitale maps and map engines in the last few years.
Did you use the search on Google Groups?
you will find a thread with 25 postings on MMS.  Title is "MMS wap push PDU concatenated  " and the group is In that thread are a lot of sources in the Internet listed. I hope it will help you. Good luck with you MMS project.
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