Question : Basic question on connecting 2 pcs together using a crossover cable (no router)

I was wondering if anyone could help me with connecting 2 computers together with a crossover cable (without a router).  The host (one with the internet on too) has win xp.  The other has win98se.  The host has 2 network adapters, one for the cable modem, and one for the crossover cable.  The other pc has 1 network adapter for the crossover cable.  That's it.  It's setup (ie. cables setup, network adapters installed etc) but I can't seem to get them working.  I'm not sure what the settings are meant to be because i've got the problem where when the computer starts up it's got a message saying : 'Local area Network 2, A network cable is unplugged'.  I'm not sure why it says this because 1 end of the cable is connected to the host, the other end is connected to the win98se pc.  I'm not sure what settings i'm meant to change in control panel etc, so if anyone could give me some pointers with that i'd be grateful.  Also, can anyone tell me why i'm getting the message about the network cable coming up because i've ensured that both ends are firmly in their sockets.  

Many thanks

Answer : Basic question on connecting 2 pcs together using a crossover cable (no router)

Setup network neighbourhood for ip address and subnet mask of both pc.

select TCP/IP from LOCAL area connection properties.

subnet mask =

If you have set up an ip for host, eg ** do not use automatiic ip config., setup manuallt by ur own.**

then the other must be in the same range, which mean they must be or or...

then Do a test on the connection : open your dos command prompt and type in :
ping [ipaddress]

let say you are so sure that all hardware are setup properly and driver for network card are installed correctly,
so now you have to do is as above.

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