Question : How do I send a fax through email?
I want to send out an email that will goto a list of 20 different fax machines.
I have to update these fax numbers all the time so I would like to just setup a group email in outlook and then have that email send to the fax numbers that I have listed. Then the recipent can recieve the email as a printed fax that transmits directly to their fax machine.
What is the best way to do this?
Answer : How do I send a fax through email?
Well my answer to this question will depend on whether this is a question coming from a corporate user or for personal use.
If this is a company wide solution you are looking for there are many pieces of hardware that will get the job done for you. The company I work for uses a piece of hardware called a Multi-Tech Fax Finder. This is just a box (2 port, 4 port, etc) that sits within your network and transmits faxes not only to outbound customers but also allows incoming faxes to be sent directly to the users Outlook inbox. A small piece of software is installed on each users machine that will integrate with Outlook (have used with both Office 03 and 07) and allow the sending of faxes from most any program where there is a print option. You can find more information about it here: http://www.multitech.com/PRODUCTS/Families/FaxFinder/.
For personal use Venali has quite a few services that aren't too outrageously expensive and then you are charged on a per fax basis. More information on Venali services can be found here: http://www.venali.com/index.php.
Hope this information is useful for you.