Question : Any other program? Drive image program on DOS won't backup XP partition
Any other program? Drive image backup program on DOS won't backup XP partition
All my networked machines have a small bootable DOS partition. I have dual boot DOS and Windows 2000 (C - DOS, D - WINDOWS) configuration When booting up in DOS I load a DOS network card and connect to a shared network drive. Lets call it X:
I have used Drive Image 5.0 to create an image of the D Windows partition. I can create the image snapshot and store it on X: which has plenty of room. If I ever have trouble with the Windows partition, I can Boot in DOS, connect to the network, then run Drive Image to restore the drive, and it is exaxtly like it was - works great with Windows 2000
HOWEVER - Windows XP changes the partition information and Drive Image can no longer backup the Windows partition. It sees it but something has been changed and Drive Image fails on backup.
I would really like to continue this method of making image backups from DOS, because it works outside of Windows, but I need another program which can work with the XP partition.
Any ideas? Would Ghost be able to do this?
Answer : Any other program? Drive image program on DOS won't backup XP partition
norton ghost will do this, you can make a boot cd with it and make backup images. if you feel adventurous then ALtiris has a drive image program (the same program that hp uses to do restores) can;t remember the ecaxt name but they will have a demo, deployment server is their high end product that will do a pixe network boot and make images as well as personality cpture and software install from a server.