Question : VPN - Failed to connect to server - error

I have a small home network (4 workstations, D-Link wireless router, DSL). I do tech support for a medical clinic. I use UltraVPN to provide support. Three of my workstations on my home network can connect to the VPN and access the remote desktops without issue. But one, my main support machine, connects via VPN, verifies my user name and registers me on the network. I also get a message saying that I am connected to the network. But, when I try to connect using the UltraVNC (or MS Remote Desktop) I receive a message that I "Failed to  connect to the server."  and the VPN connection disconnects.

I am unable to Ping the VPN conncetion but I can Ping (208.8733.151). What steps should I take to troubleshoot the problem?

Answer : VPN - Failed to connect to server - error

First, disable any local firewall (i.e. comodo) and/or other security suite.  

1) I would check the local event log to look for any errors that coincide with the disconnect.  
2) Once the VPN is conencted, you should be able to ping a remote desktop or telnet to the open port.   Does this disconnect you also?   If you sit idle, does the connection stay open?  
3) Not being familiar with openVPN, I imagine it must keep logs.   Have you looked here for a cause of the disconnect?  

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