Question : R5..0.7 to R6.5.6 Upgrade Address Book Query

I am about to do a Domino upgrade of our Administration server (which also happens to be our mail server) from R5.07 to R6.5.6. I have red the various IBM upgrade Redbooks and many queries on EE.

My question is this: We have made custimisations to our address book, I understand will therefore have to create a new R6 address book template with the custimisations to apply post upgrade.

Will the newly ODS upgraded R6 custimised address book replicate ok with our other R5 custimised address books, or do I have to disable replication of design elements. Is this also the case for other db's such as adminp??

Answer : R5..0.7 to R6.5.6 Upgrade Address Book Query

Don't update the ODS of the new R6 design until you're sure all your customizations work.

The new Domino Directory template works with the Domino 6 Administrator client to streamline directory and server administration. The Domino Directory IS backward-compatible and can be used in mixed release environments. After you upgrade the Domino Administration server, which is the first server you should upgrade, and the design of your address book to the Domino 6 Directory template, you can replicate the directory to other servers in the domain. Make sure to upgrade your administrator client to Domino 6. With the Domino 6 Administrator client, upgrade the database format of the Domino Directory by compacting the database, then rebuild the views.

NOTE:  Be aware that upgrading the Domino Directory design replaces the template design. The Domino 6 design overwrites any customizations made to the Public Address Book or Domino Directory. Before you upgrade to the Domino 6 design, you will want to create a backup of the Public Address Book or Domino Directory to preserve your custom changes. After you upgrade, test the Domino Directory to see if your custom changes are still necessary. If so, you can modify the Domino 6 directory template.

Be aware that upgrading the Domino Directory design replaces the template design. The Domino 6 design overwrites any customizations made to the Public Address Book.
Before you upgrade to the Domino 6 design, you will want to create a backup of the Public Address Book to preserve your custom changes. After you upgrade, test the Domino Directory to see if your
custom changes are still necessary. If so, you can modify the Domino 6 directory template.

If you customized the Domino Public Address Book, perform the following steps to upgrade the Address Book :
1. Back up the design of your Public Address Book or Domino Directory.
2. Upgrade the address book to the Domino 6 Directory template.
3. Inspect the upgraded Domino Directory to determine which of your customized changes you still need.
4. To retain the customizations that you added, create a subform for your customizations and include that subform in another subform especially designed to work with your customizations.
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