Question : 3Com OfficeConnect Gateway stops responding after a while

I have a problem with 3com OfficeConnect Wireless DSL Gateway. On occasion while using emule (p2p client) gateway stops responding, it's not possible to connect to it using web gui. After a while it comes back to life without rebooting, if I want to use it immediately I have to reboot it, then it works for at least 5-15 minutes. Now this problem starts only on occasion and it is triggered because of emule. It might be that my IP is being attacked and it knocks the gateway off the internet and then after a while it starts working, because DSL provider has disconnected me (after around 20 minutes of inactivity). In the gateway log information I can see entries like:
2003/10/03 23:32:55 ** IP Spoofing ** ->>, but I don't believe that this is the reason for the problems, I believe that if there is an attack then it happens in a lower level and is not even shown in the logs. The problem starts gradually, it gets slower and then it stops completely.
I'm using the latest firmware on the gateway, I have the firewall on the gateway enabled and only 2 emule ports are allowed to pass through, gateway is configured not to respond to PINGs from internet.
I would expect this hardware to report what is the problem, but it doesn't.

I use:
- D-Link DSL modem (DSL-200I ADSL).
- 3com OfficeConnect Wireless Cable/DSL Gateway, 3CRWE51196, firmware: V1.04.01.

I will give points to any answer that will lead to a solution. Thank you for reading.

Answer : 3Com OfficeConnect Gateway stops responding after a while

I have a 3Com Officeconnect myself, allthough of a slightly different make(3CRWE554G72), and I have similar problems! I don't know about you, but my problem is not limited to p2p clients only. I'm also frequently disconnected when I use telnet based connections to servers. And whenever I reconnect to the server I tells me I'm allready connected. This has made me believe that the Officeconnect is maintaining the connection to the server, but somehow screws up the communication between itself and my computer. I tried requesting support from 3Com, and they wanted a packet example of when the connection failed, and gave me a link to some packet monitoring software. Ofcourse I don't even know what to look for in the packets, and I've received no guidelines from 3Com even tho I've asked. Great support. I thought perhaps that you'd also like to try out the link to the monitoring software 3Com suggested. Even if I couldn't make anything out of it doesn't mean you can't. Anyway here's the link:

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