Question : Logon screen
I built a table like the following and a form which acts as a log-on screen but the code I wrote doesnot work properly.
drop table logon; create table login (username varchar2(30), password varchar2(30)); insert into login values('Bob', 'password'); insert into login values('Robert', 'password');
in the form under the when mouse click trigger I typed in the following
declare v_username varchar2(30); v_password varchar2(30);
begin select username, password into v_username, v_password from login where username = v_username;
if v_username = 'bob and v_password = 'password' then open_form('e:\forms\workingforms\latest\studentopensupport2.fmx'); else message('please enter a valid username and password'); end if; end;
but this doesnot work can anyone tell me where am I going wrong? thanks cassiusduke
Answer : Logon screen
Your SELECT ... INTO doesn't return any rows....
declare v_username varchar2(30); --<----------NULL v_password varchar2(30);
begin select username, password into v_username, v_password from login where username = v_username; --<---------- Still NULL
If you're referencing an item on the Form, use a colon as in :block.item