Question : Forcefully Remove License Object From Tree after Server has been Removed

   I removed my server from the tree but now I cannot delete the license objects. I get an error in Console One telling me that I do not have rights to delete the object. I am logged in as Admin. When I use DSBrowse to look at the object it says I (Admin) only have read, write and compare rights to the license object. I tried re-assigning rights at a higher level so they would reinherit but it hasn't worked. Any thoughts? Thanks, BH

Answer : Forcefully Remove License Object From Tree after Server has been Removed

Some thoughts:

1. When you removed the server from the tree, did you follow the Novell TID that explains how to do it?
2. Is the server object still visible in DSBROWSE?  You may want to delete it if yes. How about volume objects?
3. Is eDirectory/NDS properly healthy?  Did you run DSREPAIRs?  Is time TIMESYNCed properly?
4. When deleting the license objects, are you trying to delete the object named SN: xxxxxxxx or Novell+Netware 6 server etc?  You need to delete the SNXXXXXX object before you delete it's container.  This applies to my system where we have a CLA license.

It kinda seems like you have DS "issues."
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