Question : SMS AT Commands - how can i identify which index number a new message is stored under.

I know that "AT+CPMS" checks the message storage space, so i can use this to determine when a new message has arrived - but i do not know which index number the SMS is stored at.

I have to use "AT+CMGR=x" (where x is the index number) to check every possible message index.

"AT+CMGF" will list all messages - but takes far to long (typically about 20 seconds on some older phones - i.e Nokia 7110). The system needs to be as quick as possible.

How can i identify which index number a new SMS message is stored at ?

Answer : SMS AT Commands - how can i identify which index number a new message is stored under.

> How can i identify which index number a new SMS message is stored at ?
By using of the new message indicator. AT+CNMI
It will tell you when a new message come in and the number of the index as well.
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