Question : SSL Delay - varies from machine to machine


I'm using an SSL class written by Michael Chourdakis from here:

I used the code as a base for a test app and its working very well, however, I'm having a strange issue.

On one remote test machine, when I run as a server in NON SSL mode, sending a few hundred bytes back and forwards, its lightening fast. I switch to SSL mode and its a little slower (due, I suppose to the encryption) but it's still fast.

However, on a second remote test machine at a different location the results vary. The NON SSL mode works lightening fast, however the SSL mode takes 30-40 seconds to complete. It connects and then there is a long period until the data is transferred back and forth, but once it starts its fast.

Is it possible that on this second machine the Certificate is being re-negotiated every time? If so, does anyone know if there is an api or an OS fix?

Thanks for your help,

Answer : SSL Delay - varies from machine to machine

It seems like something more local to the system, but thanks for the info.  SSL targets CPU usage primarily.  If the CPU load is similar, I would suggest trying a CPU tester as this point.

Here's one I've used in the past that was pretty decent: Hot CPU Tester - admittedly its been a year or two since I have so I don't remember what the paid vs. freeware features are, but if memory serves I think that the freeware version is good enough:

The other one to look at would be Everest, that's the one the PC shops use for diagnosing - for this one I would check out the freeware to make sure it runs okay on your box but you'll probalby need the paid version to do much of anything:
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