Question : Wireless Network internet disconnects

 When i start my computer or a computer on my network connected to the wireless router (using wpa encryption with t-skip algorythms)  the internet works fine... for about 2 minutes or so. then the network icon shows i am still connected, but i cannot access the internet.  i found that if i disable the wireless card network connection and then re-enable it it reconnects and works fine.  The weird thing is that when i reconnect it says "connnection failed", and then a different message says i am "connected".

   I am using:

Dlink DI-624 router connected to comcast cable internet
all pc's have dwl-520 cards. everything is the "extreme" g version

any help would be appriciated, thanks.

Answer : Wireless Network internet disconnects

Windows XP "Zero Wireless Config" has several issues... Try a few of these recommendations

-Make sure you Windows is fully updated (there are several patches for Wireless...including one update that had to do with WAP that acutally caused more issues than it fixed)

-WZC looks for new access points every 60 seconds...this can cause disconnects...try turning off WZC after you have made the initial connection to see if this helps. From a command promt type "net stop wzcsvc".

-replace the windows drivers with the drivers from your card manufacturer (this may not help due to the fact many of the new card drivers are just "frount doors" to WZC)

-try changing your wireless channel in the DI-624...sometime interference from other wireless devices (including phones) can cause issues...changing the channel could stable this.

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