Question : Problems instaling Symantec Endpoint Protection on Vista ... seems 137 and 138 are not listening

How can I make sure the proper ports are listening.  According to the tech-note ( I need to make sure 137 and 138 are listening and it doesn't appear to be the case.

I am attaching a screen shot of netstat -abn  It does not show 137 and 138 as "listening"

This is a Vista system .. the firewall is disabled  ... any thoughts ?

Answer : Problems instaling Symantec Endpoint Protection on Vista ... seems 137 and 138 are not listening


Do you install SEP manager or SEP client? If it is the SEPM than do you use Vista 64-bit or 32-bit? If it is 64-bit, it is not supported as platform for SEP Manager.

If you are installing just SEP client, then you should pay attention to port 80 (http) for heartbit to SEP Manager and port 8443 (https) for content and product updates and policy update.

To access the SEP Manager, after you installed it, go to the browser and go to the http://dress of SEP Manager computer>:9090 (in case you use default values).

Best regards,
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